Please return to Vietnam nationality in Vietnam representative agencies abroad


The order of execution ​ ​ ​ ​

​Name step
Description step

Apply at the headquarters of therepresentative body
(See list of missions with consular functionson the electronic portal of consular to know detailed information about the address and time offiling and receiving results)
​2. Receiving records Agency representatives to record it in theback Application nationality Vietnam and grant applicants receive dossiers PollIf the dossier is incomplete, invalid, therepresentative agency guidance to the applicants added, finishing as prescribed byVietnam Nationality Law of 2008 and theguiding text.
3.  Verification ofdocuments Agency representatives perform the verification records for restoration of nationality Vietnam to examine the legality ofthe documents in the dossier and the authenticity of the information on theapplication for restoration of citizenshipVietnamAgency representatives suggestedthe competent authorities checkverify if there are unclearimprecise name, address,family relationshipthe purpose of application for naturalization in Vietnam laiquoc,information proven information about the contribution to the cause of building anddefending the Fatherlandthe import,nationality Vietnam back in favor of the Stateof Vietnam or other information concerned.
​4. Recommendedtreatment Representative body (through the Ministry of Foreign Affairsto the Ministry of Justiceproposed text is accompanied by a list of theproposed settlement and applying forcitizenship Vietnam againText suggestionson solving application file nationality Vietnamback to the Ministry of Justice and e-mailaddress of the Ministry of Justice:[email protected]
​5. Solve After receiving the written proposal isaccompanied by a list of persons proposedsettlement and applying for citizenship backVietnamthe Ministry of Justice recorded in the receiving records and published a list of people to be the proposed settlement of thenationality on the Portal of the Ministry of JusticeMinistry of Justice updated scheduleresults in settlement documents were published list.
​6. Notice results Agency representatives announced the results in writing to the applicant on the resolution to back Vietnam nationality.


Ingredients Profile ​ ​ ​

Ingredients Profile
​1. An application for restoration of nationality Vietnam (form)
​2. Copy of birth certificate, passport or other document valid alternative
​3. Curriculum vitae (form)
4. Judicial history card granted by the competent authorities of Vietnamfor the period the applicant back to Vietnam nationals residing inVietnamthe judicial history card granted by the competent authorityof a foreign country to period the applicant back to Vietnam nationalsresiding abroadJudicial history card must be issued no more than 90 days before the date of filing.
​5. Papers proving citizenship applicants back to Vietnam oncenationality Vietnam is one of the following documents:
 Copy of birth certificate;
 A copy of the Decision for renunciation Vietnam or certificate of loss of nationality Vietnam;
– Other papers stating Vietnam nationality or citizenship valuesVietnam proved his previous
​6. Papers prove eligibility back to nationality Vietnam is one of the following documents:
a) The person is a citizen spouses Vietnam must submit a copy of the marriage certificate to prove the marriage;
b) The father, mother or offspring of Vietnam citizens must submit a copy of the birth certificate or other valid documents to prove paternity, mother;
c) The merits special contribution to the cause of building and defending the Fatherland Vietnam must submit a copy of the Medal, Medal, Certificate of noble titles or certificates of agencies, organizations Vietnam’s competent authorities;
d) that the citizenship of their Vietnam beneficial to the State of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam must submit a certificate from the agency or organization where they work, the agency managing state or the provincial people’s Committee confirmed on Vietnam’s citizenship they will contribute to the development of one of the fields of science, economy, culture, society, arts, sports.
e) The papers proving citizenship applicants back to Vietnam being processed for repatriation to Vietnam
f) certified copy of the paper investing in Vietnam.
​7. Minor children and return citizenship Vietnam with her parents, they must submit a copy of the child’s birth certificate or other papersproving paternitymother and daughterWhere only one parent or restoration Vietnam that minor children living with them and returned to Vietnam nationality under parent must submit a written agreementon the parents’ nationality restoration Vietnam of children.
Number of records Three (03) Item.
Form, declaration form ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Nameform, declaration form
Documents specified
Please return to Vietnam nationality in Vietnamrepresentative offices abroad Download
The application form back to Vietnam nationality Download
Profile declarations Download